Today we have published a version in the experimental branch 1.41.11-1, which implements the CockroachDB support module.
Due to the fact that (as it turned out) the Russian IT community is not very familiar with this product, we will tell you a bit more about this DBMS. CockroachDB (cockroach is Russian for cockroach) is a modern (2015) open source DBMS distributed under the Apache 2.0 license, which was originally created and out of the box is geo-distributed, scalable and fault-tolerant. The official website of the project is https://www.cockroachlabs.com/.
The DBMS is developed in Go and supports the full PostgreSQL syntax.
Setting up CockroachDB is simple: you install it on several compute nodes that act symmetrically and offer access to the same data. If the data store needs to be enlarged, it is enough to attach new nodes to the cluster. CockroachDB guarantees data availability and integrity in case of failure of (n-1)/2 nodes, where n is the total number of nodes in the cluster. Working with Cockroach, you simply don’t have to think about replication.
Obviously, our understanding at IBC Labs is much the same as how the developers of CockroachDB see it. So our friendship was destined. The experimental build should not, but may, contain bugs and is offered for study and testing purposes only.