Link to primary source: https://www.it-world.ru/news-company/releases/215229.html
Galex Company together with the developer of the Russian mail server TEGU – the company MBK Lab, with the assistance of the training center SibInfoCenter, which acted as an online platform, released a training course for the administration of the integrated solution, which will allow technical specialists on the customer’s side to quickly remove the first and second line of technical problems and difficulties in working with the domestic mail server TEGU.
Galex Company closely cooperates with the developer of the mail solution, trying to provide its customers with a comfortable migration without interrupting the service for users, keeping available the functions of shared calendars, address books, meeting room reservations, etc.
The main goal of the course is to obtain practical knowledge on implementation and maintenance of the mail server, giving the system administrators on the customer’s side the opportunity to master the necessary competencies and apply them in practice. In the course of training, specialists are given the opportunity to apply the acquired skills on architectures of different complexity. All theoretical and practical knowledge is fixed on the real operating infrastructure. It is important that course instructors are certified Galex specialists with experience in integration and maintenance of engineering systems.
It is worth noting that the practice of creating such training courses further strengthens cooperation with the vendor, thus providing the customer with smooth and comfortable work on new domestic systems.