Gazinformserviceand MBK Lab have confirmed the compatibility of their developments – Jatoba DBMS and TEGU Enterprise mail server.
Jatoba is a modern DBMS designed to work in various spheres, including banking and finance. Providing high speed data processing, security and scalability, Jatoba becomes an excellent choice for solutions to securely process critical information.
TEGU Enterprise is a homegrown, state-of-the-art server-based geo-distributed, highly loaded software running on customer’s hardware (on-premise) under Linux OS, including mail, address book and calendar services.
“This partnership demonstrates our commitment to creating high-quality domestic solutions for the Russian market. We are confident that the joint use of TEGU Enterprise and Jatoba will allow organizations to achieve new levels of efficiency and security in working with e-mail,” said Andrei Makarov, Lead Manager of the Partner Relations Group at Gazinformservice.
“One of the unique properties of the TEGU Enterprise mail server is that it uses a DBMS to store mail, calendars and address books. It is this fact that makes it scalable and functional. In this regard, it is understandable that we take great care in selecting the domestic DBMSs that we recommend for use with TEGU. We thank our colleagues from “Gazinformservice” for their help in testing and recommend our users to use DBMS Jatoba ”, – said Igor Kalmetov, General Director of LLC ‘IBC Laboratory’.
Company references:
Gazinformservice LLC is a domestic developer of software and hardware-software means of information security and complex engineering and technical protection. The company specializes in the creation of information security systems and IS-systems for corporations of energy and transport industries, public authorities, industrial enterprises, as well as institutions of the financial sector and telecommunication companies.
MBK Lab LLC is a Russian IT company founded in 2014. The company aims to develop a new generation domestic mail server – TEGU.